Generali Bank AG is focused on providing products and services via direct banking. Generali Bank AG provides products and services in the areas of retail banking, brokerage. Generali Bank AG offers a range of products including current accounts, debit cards, savings accounts (0.12 - 0.12 %), time deposit accounts, trading accounts, investment funds. Generali Bank AG makes its solutions available to natural persons.
Opening an account with Generali Bank AG can be done by performing the following steps: completely online. It usually requires about a few minutes.
Generali Bank AG operates as a direct bank without a branch network. Products and services offered by Generali Bank AG are available via online banking, mobile application.
Savings accounts are interest-bearing deposits accounts which allow to withdraw money at any time. While providing more flexibility, savings accounts usually offer lower interest rates and shorter deposit terms than time deposit accounts.
Generali Bank AG offers the following savings accounts.
Updated on 12 December 2024
Austria: This product is offered to Austrian residents only. When clicking on the product link you will be redirected to the product page in German.
Deposit Guarantee. Savings accounts made with Generali Bank AG are covered bydeposit guarantee scheme of Austriaup to 100,000 EUR per depositor.
Withholding Tax. Interest income gained on savings accounts by non-residents of Austriais not taxed. Interest gained on savings accounts by residents of Austriais taxed at 25.00% rate. When the interest is paid, this tax is automatically withhold by Generali Bank AG from the savings account.
Trading accounts are used to execute trade transactions involving buying and selling various financial instruments, for example, stocks, bonds, futures and options. Trading accounts can hold both cash and securities.
Trading accounts offered by Generali Bank AG are shown in the table below.
Updated on 12 December 2024
Major world stock exchanges
Most popular trade instruments
Available to Austrian residents
Austria: This product is offered to Austrian residents only. When clicking on the product link you will be redirected to the product page in German.
Investor Compensation. Trading accounts made with Generali Bank AG are covered by investor compensation scheme of Austria up to 20,000 EUR per investor.