Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG

Anna Mileiko Created by Anna Mileiko

Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG Logo


Hauptplatz 15, 4470, Enns, Austria




Business Focus

cooperative retail banking

Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG was merged into Volksbank Niederösterreich AG.


In 2015, Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG achieved the position of 321st largest bank in Austria with a market share of 0.02%; its total assets dropped by 1.29%.

Deposit Protection

Deposits up to 100,000 EUR are covered by Austrian deposit guarantee scheme in Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG.


retail banking
business banking


current accounts
debit cards
credit cards
savings accounts
time deposit accounts
consumer loans

Card Providers


See Also

Ways to Bank

Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG delivered its products and services through both direct and indirect channels, namely:
branch branch
online banking online banking


Total Assets of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG
Net_income of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG
Market Share of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG
Total Assets (2015)
178.53 mln EUR   (-1.29%)
Net Income (2015)
25,000.00 EUR   (+25.00%)

Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG ranked as the 321st largest bank in Austria by total assets. In 2015 its total assets were 178.53 mln EUR, representing a 0.02% market share. It was also the 31st largest Volksbank credit cooperatives in Austria, commanding a 0.54% share among Volksbank credit cooperatives. In 2015 the bank's net income was 25,000.00 EUR.

Credit Ratings

Fitch: BB+
AA+, AA, AA-
A+, A, A-
BB+, BB, BB-
B+, B, B-
Moodys: -
Aa1, Aa2, Aa3
A1, A2, A3
Baa1, Baa2, Baa3, Baa4
Ba1, Ba2, Ba3
B1, B2, B3
Caa1, Caa2, Caa3, Ca

Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG is rated by Fitch. Long-term credit rating assigned to the bank by Fitch is BB+ (speculative).

Deposit Guarantee

Protected Amount
up to 100,000 EUR
Guarantee Fund
Einlagensicherung AUSTRIA Ges.m.b.H (ESA)Einlagensicherung AUSTRIA Ges.m.b.H (ESA)
Covered Accounts
all balances on bank accounts
Eligible Depositors
natural persons (Austrian and foreign)
legal entities (Austrian and foreign)

Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG protects deposits up to up to 100,000 EUR per depositor through Austria's deposit guarantee scheme. The scheme applies to all balances on bank accounts made by natural persons (Austrian and foreign), legal entities (Austrian and foreign). The bank participates in the Einlagensicherung AUSTRIA Ges.m.b.H (ESA), making regular contributions into it.

See Also

Member of Group

 Volksbank (Austria)

Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG is a member of Volksbank (Austria).


addressHauptplatz 15, 4470, Enns, Austria

Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG was headquartered in Enns.

Bank Identifiers

Bank Sort Code
Company Number

Bank History

Established On
December 1921
Close Date
October 2016

Business Summary

retail banking
business banking
current accounts
debit cards
credit cards
savings accounts
time deposit accounts
consumer loans
Card Providers

Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG provides products and services in the areas of retail banking, business banking, insurance. Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG offers a range of products including current accounts, debit cards, credit cards, savings accounts, time deposit accounts, consumer loans.

Ways to Bank

Business Channels
branch branch
online banking online banking

Products and services offered by Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG are available at its branches and via its online banking system.

Balance Sheet

Total Assets (2015)
178.53 mln EUR   (-1.29%)

In 2015 total assets of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG were 178.53 mln EUR. Decline compared to the previous period (2014) was -1.29%. The evolution of the total assets of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG is shown at Chart 1 below.

Total Assets of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG.

Chart 1. Total Assets of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG.

Recent changes in total assets of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG and its main components are shown in Table 1.

2014 2015 change (%)
Loans to customers 93.0 95.4 +2.53%
Loans to banks 34.4 48.1 +39.66%
Bonds and other fixed-income securities 33.8 18.2 -46.26%
Shares and other variable-yield securities 7.8 5.9 -24.11%
Total Assets 180.9 178.5 -1.29%

Table 1. Recent changes in total assets of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG (mln EUR).

Recent changes in total liabilities of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG and its main components are shown in Table 2.

2014 2015 change (%)
Bank deposits 0.0 161.5 +2,691,750.00%
Customer deposits 165.6
Total Liabilities 180.9 178.5 -1.29%

Table 2. Recent changes in total liabilities of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG (mln EUR).

Income Statement

Operating Income (2015)
4.61 mln EUR   (-12.46%)
Net Income (2015)
25,000.00 EUR   (+25.00%)

Recent changes in gross profit of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG and its main components are shown in Table 3.

2014 2015 change (%)
Interest Charges -927,000.0 -592,000.0 -36.14%
Interest Income 4,339,000.0 3,284,000.0 -24.31%
Net Interest Income 3,412,000.0 2,692,000.0 -21.10%
Commission Charges -90,000.0 -88,000.0 -2.22%
Commission Income 1,559,000.0 1,626,000.0 +4.30%

Table 3. Recent changes in gross profit of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG ( EUR).

In 2015 net income of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG was 25,000.00 EUR. Growth compared to the previous period (2014) was 25.00%. The evolution of the net income of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG is shown at Chart 2 below.

Net Income of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG.

Chart 2. Net Income of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG.

Market Share and Rank (among banks in Austria)

Total Assets (2015)
321st (market share 0.02%)

In 2015 Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG was ranked the 321st largest bank in Austriain terms of total assets, having 0.02% of the domestic market share.

Market share of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG (among banks in Austria)

Chart 3. Market share of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG (among banks in Austria)

Historical changes in Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG's domestic rank and market share over 2014-2015 are shown below:

YearRankMarket %
20153210.02 %
20143190.02 %

TheBanks.eu identified several banks banks having the market shares and ranks closest to Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG listed below.

RankNameMarket %Total Assets
320 Raiffeisen Bezirksbank Neusiedl Ost eGen0.07%727.65 mln EUR   (+180.43%)
321 Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG0.02%178.53 mln EUR   (-1.29%)
322 Raiffeisenbank Lammertal eGen0.04%347.54 mln EUR   (-0.66%)

Market Share and Rank (among Volksbank credit cooperatives in Austria)

Total Assets (2015)
31st (market share 0.54%)

In 2015 Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG was ranked the 31st largest volksbank credit cooperatives in Austriain terms of total assets, having 0.54% of the category's market share.

Market share of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG (among Volksbank credit cooperatives in Austria)

Chart 4. Market share of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG (among Volksbank credit cooperatives in Austria)

TheBanks.eu identified several banks volksbank credit cooperatives having the market shares and ranks closest to Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG listed below.

RankNameMarket %Total Assets
30 Volksbank Feldkirchen eG0.54%180.66 mln EUR   (+3.01%)
31 Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG0.54%178.53 mln EUR   (-1.29%)
32 VOLKSBANK OBERES WALDVIERTEL reg.Gen.mbH0.50%166.65 mln EUR   (-1.80%)

Credit Ratings (as of Sep 2023)

BB+ (speculative)
- (not rated)

Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG has received a rating from Fitch, a major credit rating agency. This rating assesses the institution's financial stability and creditworthiness.


Rating Category / OutlookValue
Long-Term Issuer Default Rating BB+ (speculative)
    Outlook positive
    On Watch No
Short-Term Issuer Default Rating B (speculative short-term credit quality)
Viability Rating -
Support Rating -
Support Rating Floor -

The long-term issuer rating measures the bank’s ability tomeet its financial obligations, while the short-term rating reflects itsshort-term creditworthiness. The positive on watch outlook indicates that Fitch is closely monitoring the situation, with an upgrade likely if certain conditions are met.

Identifiers of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG

Discover key identifiers of Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG including its BIC, sort code, company number, MFI ID.

BIC (Business Identifier Code)


The BIC (also known as SWIFT code) for Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG is VOENAT21XXX. It is used in financial transactions like cross-border and SEPA payments, and helps identify the bank in global banking systems.

Bank BIC Code VOEN
Country Code AT (Austria)
Location Code 21
Branch Code XXX

Bank Sort Code

Bank Sort Code: 43920

The Bank Sort Code for Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG is 43920. This unique code identifies the bank within Austria and is essential for domestic payment transactions.

Bank Sort Code 43920

The Bank Sort Code (also known as Bankleitzahl or BLZ) is a five-digit code allocated by the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB). It ensures accurate routing of funds between financial institutions within Austria.

Company Registration Number

Company Registration Number: 121242y

Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG is registered in Austria under company number 121242y. In Austria, com­pa­nies are issued a registration number (Firmenbuchnummer - FN) upon formation and registering in the offi­ci­al register (Firmenbuch). The registration numbers consist of 6 digits and a letter.

Company Number 121242y

MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier)

MFI ID: AT43920

Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG’s MFI ID, AT43920, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. The first two digits represent Austria (AT), followed by the institutions's internal ID.

MFI ID AT43920
Country Code AT
MFI Code 43920

Banks Similar to Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG

TheBanks.eu identified several banks similar to Volksbank Enns - St. Valentin eG based on various criteria, including:

  • country of incorporation
  • bank category
  • business focus
  • total assets (market share)

Bank Category
Volksbank credit cooperatives
Business Focus
cooperative retail banking
Total Assets
241.76 mln EUR   (+3.84%)

Bank Category
Volksbank credit cooperatives
Business Focus
cooperative retail banking
Total Assets
192.51 mln EUR   (+2.01%)

Bank Category
Volksbank credit cooperatives
Business Focus
cooperative retail banking
Total Assets
180.66 mln EUR   (+3.01%)

Bank Category
Volksbank credit cooperatives
Business Focus
cooperative retail banking
Total Assets
166.65 mln EUR   (-1.80%)

Bank Category
Volksbank credit cooperatives
Business Focus
cooperative retail banking
Total Assets
126.99 mln EUR   (+3.43%)

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