Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ Bank) provides retail, business banking and wealth management products and services to private individuals, companies, large corporate, institutional and government clients Australia, New Zealand and Asia Pacific. ANZ Bank has been present in the German market since 1970s and has been focused on supporting German speaking corporate customers who have operations, investments and export business in ANZ’s core markets.
Deposits up to 100,000 EUR are covered by German deposit guarantee scheme in Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited Niederlassung Frankfurt am Main.
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited Niederlassung Frankfurt am Main protects deposits up to up to 100,000 EUR per depositor through Germany's deposit guarantee scheme. The scheme applies to all deposit accounts made by individuals, companies. The bank participates in the Entschädigungseinrichtung deutscher Banken GmbH (EdB), making regular contributions into it.
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited Niederlassung Frankfurt am Main operates as a branch of Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd (Australia).
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited Niederlassung Frankfurt am Main is located in Frankfurt Am Main.