Kreissparkasse Eichsfeld provides services in the area of retail banking. Kreissparkasse Eichsfeld offers a range of products including current accounts, debit cards, credit cards, savings accounts, time deposit accounts, pension plans, consumer loans, car loans, mortgage loans. Kreissparkasse Eichsfeld makes its solutions available to natural persons, small- and medium-sized enterprises, public-sector organizations.
Opening an account with Kreissparkasse Eichsfeld can be done by performing the following steps: book an appointment, visit bank branch.
Kreissparkasse Eichsfeld requires the following documents to open a personal bank account: passport or ID card; utility bill; application form.
While opening a bank account Kreissparkasse Eichsfeld has to perform KYC procedure and comply with AML requirements. KYC procedure usually includes obtaining the information about customer identity, residential address, current occupation and source of income. KYC checks performed by Kreissparkasse Eichsfeld and the documents used are outlined below.
Kreissparkasse Eichsfeld may require additional documentation or information depending on the case.
Kreissparkasse Eichsfeld performs identity verification using branch visit.
Products and services offered by Kreissparkasse Eichsfeld are available at its branches and via its online banking system.