Volksbank Nordschwarzwald eG is a cooperative bank owned by its members via shares.Volksbank Nordschwarzwald eG provides retail banking products and services to its customersfocusing on customer requirements and development of local economy, paying special attention tosmall and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
In 2023, Volksbank Nordschwarzwald eG achieved the position of 781st largest bank in Germany with a market share of 0.01%; its total assets grew by 6.22%.
Deposits up to 100,000 EUR are covered by German deposit guarantee scheme in Volksbank Nordschwarzwald eG.
Volksbank Nordschwarzwald eG ranks as the 781st largest bank in Germany by total assets. In 2023 its total assets were 564.23 mln EUR, representing a 0.01% market share. It is also the 402nd largest cooperative bank in Germany, commanding a 0.05% share among cooperative banks.
Volksbank Nordschwarzwald eG is rated by Fitch. Long-term credit rating assigned to the bank by Fitch is AA- (very high credit quality).
Volksbank Nordschwarzwald eG protects deposits up to up to 100,000 EUR per depositor through Germany's deposit guarantee scheme. The scheme applies to all deposit accounts made by individuals, companies. The bank participates in the BVR Institutssicherung GmbH, making regular contributions into it.
Volksbank Nordschwarzwald eG is a member of DZ Bank (Germany).
Volksbank Nordschwarzwald eG is located in Pfalzgrafenweiler.