Danmarks Nationalbank (Danish National Bank) is the central bank of Denmark and is a self-governing, independent institution. Danmarks Nationalbank has three main objectives: to contribute to ensuring stable prices, safe payments and a stable financial system. Danmarks Nationalbank acts as a banker for the banks, ensuring that interbank payments are settled in a secure manner.
DANMARKS NATIONALBANK has profiles at the following social networks:
Discover key identifiers of DANMARKS NATIONALBANK including its LEI, company number, MFI ID.
DANMARKS NATIONALBANK’s LEI is 549300AHYJ0OMBLIL335. This code is critical for verifying the institutions’s legal identity in financial markets and is used for regulatory reporting and risk management.
Key | Value |
LEI | 549300AHYJ0OMBLIL335 |
LOU Identifier | 5493 |
Reserved | 00 |
Entity Identifier | AHYJ0OMBLIL3 |
Verification ID | 35 |
Company Registration Number: 61092919
DANMARKS NATIONALBANK is registered in Denmark under company number 61092919. This unique identifier is assigned by the Danish Business Authority (Erhvervsstyrelsen),company details are then available in the Danish Business Register.
Key | Value |
Company Number | 61092919 |
MFI ID: DK61092919
DANMARKS NATIONALBANK’s MFI ID, DK61092919, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. The first two digits represent Denmark (DK), followed by the institutions's internal ID.
Key | Value |
MFI ID | DK61092919 |
Country Code | DK |
MFI Code | 61092919 |