Fanefjord Sparekasse

Anna Mileiko Created by Anna Mileiko

Fanefjord Sparekasse Logo


Hjørnet 2, 4792, Askeby, Denmark





Savings banks

Business Focus

regional retail banking

On April 1, 2012 Fanefjord Sparekasse was merged with Møns Bank.


In 2011, Fanefjord Sparekasse achieved the position of 92nd largest bank in Denmark with a market share of 0.00%; its total assets dropped by 2.52%.

Additionally, the bank became the 75th profitable bank in relation to its total assets showcasing -0.22% return on assets and -1.58% return on equity in 2011.

Deposit Protection

Deposits up to 100,000 EUR are covered by Danish deposit guarantee scheme in Fanefjord Sparekasse.

Ways to Bank

Fanefjord Sparekasse delivered its products and services through both direct and indirect channels, namely:
branch branch
online banking online banking


Total Assets of Fanefjord Sparekasse
Net_income of Fanefjord Sparekasse
Market Share of Fanefjord Sparekasse
Total Assets (2011)
314.75 mln DKK   (-2.52%)
Net Income (2011)
-692,000.00 DKK

Fanefjord Sparekasse ranked as the 92nd largest bank in Denmark by total assets. In 2011 its total assets were 314.75 mln DKK, representing a 0.00% market share. It was also the 34th largest savings bank in Denmark, commanding a 0.21% share among savings banks. In 2011 the bank's net income was -692,000.00 DKK.

Deposit Guarantee

Protected Amount
up to 100,000 EUR
Guarantee Fund
Finansiel Stabilitet
Covered Accounts
cash deposits
Eligible Depositors
natural persons
legal entities

Fanefjord Sparekasse protects deposits up to up to 100,000 EUR per depositor through Denmark's deposit guarantee scheme. The scheme applies to cash deposits made by natural persons, legal entities. The bank participates in the Finansiel Stabilitet, making regular contributions into it.

See Also


addressHjørnet 2, 4792, Askeby, Denmark

Fanefjord Sparekasse was located in Askeby.

Bank Identifiers


Bank Supervision

Supervised By
Danish Financial Supervisory Authority

Fanefjord Sparekasse was authorized and supervised by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority.

Bank History

Close Date
April 2012

Balance Sheet

Total Assets (2011)
314.75 mln DKK   (-2.52%)
Total Equity (2011)
43.41 mln DKK   (-1.54%)

In 2011 total assets of Fanefjord Sparekasse were 314.75 mln DKK. Decline compared to the previous period (2010) was -2.52%. The evolution of the total assets of Fanefjord Sparekasse is shown at Chart 1 below.

Total Assets of Fanefjord Sparekasse.

Chart 1. Total Assets of Fanefjord Sparekasse.

Recent changes in total assets of Fanefjord Sparekasse and its main components are shown in Table 1.

2010 2011 change (%)
Cash and deposits with Central Banks 1.6 1.8 +8.66%
Loans and advances at fair value 0.0 0.0 0.00%
Loans and advances at amortized cost 148.6 140.0 -5.77%
Bonds at fair value 126.7 105.6 -16.67%
Bonds at amortized cost 0.0 0.0 0.00%
Shares and other variable-yield securities 7.8 7.2 -7.73%
Total Assets 322.9 314.7 -2.52%

Table 1. Recent changes in total assets of Fanefjord Sparekasse (mln DKK).

Recent changes in total liabilities of Fanefjord Sparekasse and its main components are shown in Table 2.

2010 2011 change (%)
Amount owed to banks 0.0 0.0 0.00%
Deposits 274.9 269.5 -1.97%
Issued bonds at fair value 0.0 0.0 0.00%
Issued bonds at amortized cost 0.0 0.0 0.00%
Total Liabilities 322.9 314.7 -2.52%

Table 2. Recent changes in total liabilities of Fanefjord Sparekasse (mln DKK).

Income Statement

Net Income (2011)
-692,000.00 DKK

Recent changes in gross profit of Fanefjord Sparekasse and its main components are shown in Table 3.

2010 2011 change (%)
Interest Income 16.3 15.6 -4.38%
Interest Charges -5.2 -3.8 -27.03%
Net Interest Income 11.2 11.8 +6.09%
Commission Income 2.2 1.9 -12.64%
Commission Charges -0.2 -0.1 -34.07%
Net Commission Income 13.2 13.7 +3.34%

Table 3. Recent changes in gross profit of Fanefjord Sparekasse (mln DKK).

In 2011 net income of Fanefjord Sparekasse was -692,000.00 DKK. Decline compared to the previous period (2010) was -257.63%. The evolution of the net income of Fanefjord Sparekasse is shown at Chart 2 below.

Net Income of Fanefjord Sparekasse.

Chart 2. Net Income of Fanefjord Sparekasse.

Market Share and Rank (among banks in Denmark)

Total Assets (2011)
92nd (market share 0.00%)

In 2011 Fanefjord Sparekasse was ranked the 92nd largest bank in Denmarkin terms of total assets, having 0.00% of the domestic market share.

Market share of Fanefjord Sparekasse (among banks in Denmark)

Chart 3. Market share of Fanefjord Sparekasse (among banks in Denmark) identified several banks banks having the market shares and ranks closest to Fanefjord Sparekasse listed below.

RankNameMarket %Total Assets
91 Andelskassen J.A.K Slagelse0.00%306.41 mln DKK   (+2.23%)
92 Fanefjord Sparekasse0.00%314.75 mln DKK   (-2.52%)
93 LEASING FYN BANK A/S0.01%418.68 mln DKK   (+0.44%)

Market Share and Rank (among Savings banks in Denmark)

Total Assets (2011)
34th (market share 0.21%)

In 2011 Fanefjord Sparekasse was ranked the 34th largest savings bank in Denmarkin terms of total assets, having 0.21% of the category's market share.

Market share of Fanefjord Sparekasse (among Savings banks in Denmark)

Chart 4. Market share of Fanefjord Sparekasse (among Savings banks in Denmark) identified several banks savings banks having the market shares and ranks closest to Fanefjord Sparekasse listed below.

RankNameMarket %Total Assets
33 FANØ SPAREKASSE0.29%575.85 mln DKK   (-3.99%)
34 Fanefjord Sparekasse0.21%314.75 mln DKK   (-2.52%)
35 RØNDE SPAREKASSE0.56%1,206.01 mln DKK   (0.00%)

Identifiers of Fanefjord Sparekasse

Discover key identifiers of Fanefjord Sparekasse including its MFI ID.

MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier)

MFI ID: DK000644

Fanefjord Sparekasse’s MFI ID, DK000644, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. The first two digits represent Denmark (DK), followed by the institutions's internal ID.

MFI ID DK000644
Country Code DK
MFI Code 000644

Banks Similar to Fanefjord Sparekasse identified several banks similar to Fanefjord Sparekasse based on various criteria, including:

  • country of incorporation
  • bank category
  • business focus
  • total assets (market share)

Bank Category
Savings banks
Business Focus
regional retail banking
Total Assets
1,139.06 mln DKK   (+15.08%)

Bank Category
Savings banks
Business Focus
regional retail banking
Total Assets
1,849.97 mln DKK   (+7.58%)

Bank Category
Savings banks
Business Focus
regional retail banking
Total Assets
575.85 mln DKK   (-3.99%)

Bank Category
Savings banks
Business Focus
regional retail banking
Total Assets
1,206.01 mln DKK   (0.00%)

Bank Category
Savings banks
Business Focus
regional retail banking
Total Assets
828.18 mln DKK   (+1.28%) Values Your Privacy

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