FANØ SPAREKASSE is a savings bank providing a wide range ofsavings products and loans to private individuals and corporate customers.
In 2022, FANØ SPAREKASSE achieved the position of 53rd largest bank in Denmark with a market share of 0.01%; its total assets dropped by 3.99%.
Additionally, the bank became the 57th profitable bank in relation to its total assets showcasing -2.84% return on assets and -19.23% return on equity in 2022.
Deposits up to 100,000 EUR are covered by Danish deposit guarantee scheme in FANØ SPAREKASSE.
FANØ SPAREKASSE ranked as the 53rd largest bank in Denmark by total assets. In 2022 its total assets were 575.85 mln DKK, representing a 0.01% market share. It was also the 19th largest savings bank in Denmark, commanding a 0.29% share among savings banks. In 2022 the bank's net income was -16.70 mln DKK.
FANØ SPAREKASSE protects deposits up to up to 100,000 EUR per depositor through Denmark's deposit guarantee scheme. The scheme applies to cash deposits made by natural persons, legal entities. The bank participates in the Finansiel Stabilitet, making regular contributions into it.
FANØ SPAREKASSE was located in Fanø.
FANØ SPAREKASSE was authorized and supervised by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (reference number 9684).
FANØ SPAREKASSE provides services in the area of retail banking. FANØ SPAREKASSE offers a range of products including current accounts, payment cards, deposit accounts, consumer loans.
Products and services offered by FANØ SPAREKASSE are available at its branches and via its online banking system.
In 2022 total assets of FANØ SPAREKASSE were 575.85 mln DKK. Decline compared to the previous period (2021) was -3.99%. The evolution of the total assets of FANØ SPAREKASSE is shown at Chart 1 below.
Chart 1. Total Assets of FANØ SPAREKASSE.
Recent changes in total assets of FANØ SPAREKASSE and its main components are shown in Table 1.
2021 | 2022 | change (%) | |
Shares and other variable-yield securities | 13.4 | 8.2 | -39.00% |
Cash and deposits with Central Banks | 3.0 | 19.1 | +541.15% |
Bonds at fair value | 380.2 | 354.9 | -6.65% |
Loans and advances at amortized cost | 130.7 | 126.7 | -3.07% |
Total Assets | 599.8 | 575.9 | -3.99% |
Table 1. Recent changes in total assets of FANØ SPAREKASSE (mln DKK).
Recent changes in total liabilities of FANØ SPAREKASSE and its main components are shown in Table 2.
2021 | 2022 | change (%) | |
Deposits | 460.4 | 456.4 | -0.89% |
Total Liabilities | 599.8 | 575.9 | -3.99% |
Table 2. Recent changes in total liabilities of FANØ SPAREKASSE (mln DKK).
Recent changes in gross profit of FANØ SPAREKASSE and its main components are shown in Table 3.
2021 | 2022 | change (%) | |
Interest Income | 7.7 | 8.7 | +13.97% |
Commission Charges | -0.2 | -0.2 | +15.69% |
Net Interest Income | 8.5 | 9.5 | +12.63% |
Commission Income | 7.2 | 7.6 | +5.49% |
Interest Charges | -0.8 | -0.8 | -0.12% |
Net Commission Income | 7.0 | 7.4 | +5.27% |
Table 3. Recent changes in gross profit of FANØ SPAREKASSE (mln DKK).
In 2022 net income of FANØ SPAREKASSE was -16,700,000.00 DKK. Decline compared to the previous period (2021) was -676.06%. The evolution of the net income of FANØ SPAREKASSE is shown at Chart 2 below.
Chart 2. Net Income of FANØ SPAREKASSE.
Discover key identifiers of FANØ SPAREKASSE including its BIC, LEI, company number, MFI ID.
The BIC (also known as SWIFT code) for FANØ SPAREKASSE is FASLDK21XXX. It is used in financial transactions like cross-border and SEPA payments, and helps identify the bank in global banking systems.
Key | Value |
Bank BIC Code | FASL |
Country Code | DK (Denmark) |
Location Code | 21 |
Branch Code | XXX |
LEI: 213800L785EBPLNQ5T23
FANØ SPAREKASSE’s LEI is 213800L785EBPLNQ5T23. This code is critical for verifying the institutions’s legal identity in financial markets and is used for regulatory reporting and risk management.
Key | Value |
LEI | 213800L785EBPLNQ5T23 |
LOU Identifier | 2138 |
Reserved | 00 |
Entity Identifier | L785EBPLNQ5T |
Verification ID | 23 |
Company Registration Number: 32285015
FANØ SPAREKASSE is registered in Denmark under company number 32285015. This unique identifier is assigned by the Danish Business Authority (Erhvervsstyrelsen),company details are then available in the Danish Business Register.
Key | Value |
Company Number | 32285015 |
MFI ID: DK32285015
FANØ SPAREKASSE’s MFI ID, DK32285015, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. The first two digits represent Denmark (DK), followed by the institutions's internal ID.
Key | Value |
MFI ID | DK32285015 |
Country Code | DK |
MFI Code | 32285015 | identified several banks similar to FANØ SPAREKASSE based on various criteria, including: