Discover key identifiers of Gatehouse Bank Plc including its BIC, LEI, company number, MFI ID.
The BIC (also known as SWIFT code) for Gatehouse Bank Plc is GHOUGB2LXXX. It is used in financial transactions like cross-border and SEPA payments, and helps identify the bank in global banking systems.
Key | Value |
Bank BIC Code | GHOU |
Country Code | GB (United Kingdom) |
Location Code | 2L |
Branch Code | XXX |
LEI: 213800UIMM88P3K5ZV42
Gatehouse Bank Plc’s LEI is 213800UIMM88P3K5ZV42. This code is critical for verifying the institutions’s legal identity in financial markets and is used for regulatory reporting and risk management.
Key | Value |
LEI | 213800UIMM88P3K5ZV42 |
LOU Identifier | 2138 |
Reserved | 00 |
Entity Identifier | UIMM88P3K5ZV |
Verification ID | 42 |
Company Registration Number: 06260053
Gatehouse Bank Plc is registered in United Kingdom under company number 06260053. In the United Kingdom, Company Registration Number (CRN) is an eight-character code assigned automatically when a business gets incorporated in the UK. CRNs can be used to obtain information about a company from the Companies House.
Key | Value |
Company Number | 06260053 |
MFI ID: GB1246
Gatehouse Bank Plc’s MFI ID, GB1246, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. The first two digits represent United Kingdom (GB), followed by the institutions's internal ID.
Key | Value |
MFI ID | GB1246 |
Country Code | GB |
MFI Code | 1246 |