JÁSZÁROKSZÁLLÁS ÉS VIDÉKE KÖRZETI TAKARÉKSZÖVETKEZET is a savings bank, providinga broad range of retail banking and insurance products to individuals and companies. JÁSZÁROKSZÁLLÁS ÉS VIDÉKE KÖRZETI TAKARÉKSZÖVETKEZET was closed in January 2018.
In 2017, JÁSZÁROKSZÁLLÁS ÉS VIDÉKE KÖRZETI TAKARÉKSZÖVETKEZET achieved the position of 60th largest bank in Hungary with a market share of 0.04%; its total assets grew by 6.10%.
Deposits up to 100,000 EUR are covered by Hungarian deposit guarantee scheme in JÁSZÁROKSZÁLLÁS ÉS VIDÉKE KÖRZETI TAKARÉKSZÖVETKEZET.
JÁSZÁROKSZÁLLÁS ÉS VIDÉKE KÖRZETI TAKARÉKSZÖVETKEZET ranked as the 60th largest bank in Hungary by total assets. In 2017 its total assets were 14,595.79 mln HUF, representing a 0.04% market share. It was also the 27th largest savings bank in Hungary, commanding a 0.39% share among savings banks. In 2017 the bank's net income was -158.82 mln HUF.
JÁSZÁROKSZÁLLÁS ÉS VIDÉKE KÖRZETI TAKARÉKSZÖVETKEZET protects deposits up to up to 100,000 EUR per depositor through Hungary's deposit guarantee scheme. The scheme applies to current accounts, savings accounts, time deposit accounts made by natural persons (Hungarian and foreign), legal entities. The bank participates in the National Deposit Insurance Fund (NDIF), making regular contributions into it.
JÁSZÁROKSZÁLLÁS ÉS VIDÉKE KÖRZETI TAKARÉKSZÖVETKEZET was authorized and supervised by the Magyar Nemzeti Bank.