The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc

Anna Mileiko Created by Anna Mileiko

Identifiers of The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc

Discover key identifiers of The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc including its BIC, MFI ID.

BIC (Business Identifier Code)


The BIC (also known as SWIFT code) for The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc is ABNAITMMXXX. It is used in financial transactions like cross-border and SEPA payments, and helps identify the bank in global banking systems.

Bank BIC Code ABNA
Country Code IT (Italy)
Location Code MM
Branch Code XXX

MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier)

MFI ID: IT0001783764972

The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc’s MFI ID, IT0001783764972, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. The first two digits represent Italy (IT), followed by the institutions's internal ID.

MFI ID IT0001783764972
Country Code IT
MFI Code 0001783764972

Flag of Italy

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