Habibsons Bank provides commercial banking services to individuals and business customers. Habibsons Bank offers investment banking services, loans, lines of credit, acceptance of funds, money markets, international currency, fiduciary deposits and correspondent banking. Habibsons Bank is a member of Habib Group (Pakistan).
Habibsons Bank Limited operates as a branch of HBL BANK UK LIMITED (United Kingdom).
Deposits up to 100,000 EUR are covered by the Netherlands' deposit guarantee scheme in Habibsons Bank Limited.
Habibsons Bank Limited protects deposits up to up to 100,000 EUR per depositor through the Netherlands' deposit guarantee scheme. The scheme applies to current accounts, savings accounts, term deposits made by private individuals, legal entities. The bank participates in the Deposit Guarantee Fund (DGF), making regular contributions into it.
Habibsons Bank Limited is located in Rotterdam.