FCE Bank offers a variety of retail, leasing and wholesale automotive financial products and services to Ford dealers and customers. FCE Bank provides its products and services via Ford's dealer network at the points of sale.
FCE Bank S.A. Oddział w Polsce operated as a branch of FCE Bank plc (United Kingdom).
Deposits up to 100,000 EUR are covered by Polish deposit guarantee scheme in FCE Bank S.A. Oddział w Polsce.
FCE Bank S.A. Oddział w Polsce protects deposits up to up to 100,000 EUR per depositor through Poland's deposit guarantee scheme. The scheme applies to deposits in all the accounts made by natural persons, legal entities. The bank participates in the Bank Guarantee Fund (BGF), making regular contributions into it.
FCE Bank S.A. Oddział w Polsce was located in Warszawa.
FCE Bank S.A. Oddział w Polsce has profiles at the following social networks:
FCE Bank S.A. Oddział w Polsce was authorized and supervised by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority.