PayEx is a Nordic financial group, established in 1972.PayEx provides a broad range of payment solutions for e-commerce,mobile platforms and trading. PayEx also offers services for rating and billing,invoice and ledger management, debt collection, credit management and financing. Since 2017 PayEx operates as a wholly owned subsidiary of Swedbank AB.
Deposits up to 950,000 SEK are covered by Swedish deposit guarantee scheme in PayEx Sverige AB.
PayEx Sverige AB protects deposits up to up to 950,000 SEK per depositor through Sweden's deposit guarantee scheme. The scheme applies to deposits in all types of accounts made by private individuals, legal entities. The bank participates in the Swedish National Debt Office (SNDO), making regular contributions into it.
PayEx Sverige AB is headquartered in Visby.
PayEx Sverige AB has profiles at the following social networks:
PayEx Sverige AB is authorized and supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority.