Since 26 April 2019, Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad and OTP banka Srbija a.d. Novi Sad operate as a single bank under the name Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad, the bank is a member of OTP Group (Hungary). Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad is a universal bank, providing a broad range of retail, corporate and investment banking products and services to natural persons, SMEs and companies.
In 2022, Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad achieved the position of 3rd largest bank in Serbia with a market share of 12.33%; its total assets grew by 11.78%.
Additionally, the bank became the 8th profitable bank in relation to its total assets showcasing 1.54% return on assets and 11.35% return on equity in 2022.
Also the lender held the 5th position regarging its loans-to-deposits (L/D) registering 87.87% L/D ratio in 2022.
Deposits up to 50,000 EUR are covered by Serbian deposit guarantee scheme in Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad.
Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad ranked as the 3rd largest bank in Serbia by total assets. In 2022 its total assets were 744.01 bln RSD, representing a 12.33% market share. In 2022 the bank's annual profit was 10,861.69 mln RSD.
Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad protects deposits up to up to 50,000 EUR per depositor through Serbia's deposit guarantee scheme. The scheme applies to any credit balance made by natural persons, micro-, small- and medium-sized legal entities. The bank participates in the Deposit Insurance Agency (AOD), making regular contributions into it.
Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad is a member of National Bank of Greece (Greece).
Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad has profiles at the following social networks:
Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad was authorized and supervised by the National Bank of Serbia (reference number 08074313).
In 2022 total assets of Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad were 744.01 bln RSD. Growth compared to the previous period (2021) was 11.78%. The evolution of the total assets of Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad is shown at Chart 1 below.
Chart 1. Total Assets of Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad.
Recent changes in total assets of Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad and its main components are shown in Table 1.
2021 | 2022 | change (%) | |
Cash and deposits with Central Banks | 90.6 | 140.5 | +55.05% |
Loans to banks | 8.8 | 11.2 | +28.00% |
Loans to customers | 493.4 | 532.5 | +7.91% |
Total Assets | 665.6 | 744.0 | +11.78% |
Table 1. Recent changes in total assets of Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad (bln RSD).
Recent changes in total liabilities of Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad and its main components are shown in Table 2.
2021 | 2022 | change (%) | |
Bank deposits | 167.0 | 170.0 | +1.81% |
Customer deposits | 382.6 | 448.8 | +17.30% |
Total Liabilities | 665.6 | 744.0 | +11.78% |
Table 2. Recent changes in total liabilities of Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad (bln RSD).
Recent changes in gross profit of Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad and its main components are shown in Table 3.
2021 | 2022 | change (%) | |
Interest Income | 17,368.3 | 27,175.1 | +56.46% |
Interest Charges | -2,004.7 | -6,038.0 | +201.19% |
Net Interest Income | 15,363.6 | 21,137.1 | +37.58% |
Commission Income | 7,992.9 | 11,735.4 | +46.82% |
Commission Charges | -2,286.1 | -3,464.5 | +51.55% |
Net Commission Income | 5,706.8 | 8,270.9 | +44.93% |
Table 3. Recent changes in gross profit of Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad (mln RSD).
In 2022 annual profit of Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad was 10,861.69 mln RSD. Growth compared to the previous period (2021) was 88.68%. The evolution of the annual profit of Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad is shown at Chart 2 below.
Chart 2. Annual Profit of Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad.
Discover key identifiers of Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad including its BIC, LEI, company number.
The BIC (also known as SWIFT code) for Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad is VBUBRS22. It is used in financial transactions like cross-border and SEPA payments, and helps identify the bank in global banking systems.
Key | Value |
Bank BIC Code | VBUB |
Country Code | RS (Serbia) |
Location Code | 22 |
Branch Code | - |
LEI: 549300NNVS11JCO34740
Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad’s LEI is 549300NNVS11JCO34740. This code is critical for verifying the institutions’s legal identity in financial markets and is used for regulatory reporting and risk management.
Key | Value |
LEI | 549300NNVS11JCO34740 |
LOU Identifier | 5493 |
Reserved | 00 |
Entity Identifier | NNVS11JCO347 |
Verification ID | 40 |
Company Registration Number: 08074313
Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad is registered in Serbia under company number 08074313. In Serbia,Company Registration Number (Матичен Броj) is assigned automaticallywhen registering a company; the company details are then availablein the Serbian Business Registers Agency.The registration number is a unique and unchangeable identifier whichconsist of 8 digits.
Key | Value |
Company Number | 08074313 | identified several banks similar to Vojvođanska banka a.d. Novi Sad based on various criteria, including: