OTP Bank Albania S.A

Anna Mileiko Created by Anna Mileiko

OTP Bank Albania S.A Logo


Boulevard "Dëshmorët e Kombit", Twin Towers, Buildings 1, 9 floor, Tirana, Albania





Commercial banks

Business Focus

universal banking

Originally entering the Albanian market in March 2004 as Banka Popullore, OTP Bank Albania became a part of the OTP Group (Hungary) in 2019, when Societe Generale sold of its shares in Societe Generale Albania to OTP Bank (Hungary).

OTP Bank Albania operates as a universal bank that provides complete financial solutions for natural persons and companies. The bank attends its customers via 50 branches and has 188 ATMs throughout the country.

Explore OTP Bank Albania

Serving Albania Since 2004: OTP Bank Albania has a long-standing presence in Albania
Top Performer: Ranked as 5th largest bank in Albania
Multi-Currency Support: Domestic and international transfers in ALL, EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, CAD
Financial Security: Your deposits are protected by the Albanian deposit guarantee scheme (up to 2,500,000 ALL)
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OTP NYRT 100.00% HUHungary


In 2023, OTP Bank Albania S.A achieved the position of 5th largest bank in Albania with a market share of 9.21%; its total assets grew by 2.68%.

Additionally, the bank became the 5th profitable bank in relation to its total assets showcasing 1.86% return on assets and 17.08% return on equity in 2023.

Also the lender held the 3rd position regarging its loans-to-deposits (L/D) registering 63.01% L/D ratio in 2023.


  • Retail Banking: Loans and Deposits; Accounts and Cards; Domestic and international transfers in ALL, EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, CAD
  • SME Banking: Solutions for SMEs, micro-businesses and professionals
  • Corporate Banking: Deposits, cards and accounts; Documentary operations; Project Financing
  • Multiple Ways to Bank: Secure online and mobile banking; convenient in-branch service


  • Current Accounts: Available to individuals and businesses; Deposit and withdraw money; Domestic and international transfers; Pay utility bills;
  • Retail Loans: Express and Mini Loans;
  • Mortgage Loans: Mortgage Loans; Real Estate and Reconstruction Loans; Available in ALL and EUR
  • Deposit Accounts: Deposit accounts with various terms and interest payment options; 1 - 36 months, up to 2,60 %; EUR, USD, ALL
  • Payment Cards: Debit Visa and MasterCard; Visa Credit Cards;


ALALL (Albanian lek)
EUEUR (Euro)
USUSD (US dollar)
GBGBP (Pound sterling)
CHCHF (Swiss franc)
CACAD (Canadian dollar)

Card Providers


See Also


Total Assets of OTP Bank Albania S.A
Net_income of OTP Bank Albania S.A
Market Share of OTP Bank Albania S.A
Total Assets (2023)
181.37 bln ALL   (+2.68%)
Net Income (2023)
3,337.33 mln ALL   (+5.90%)
Number of Employees (2023)
748   (-8.67%)

OTP Bank Albania S.A ranks as the 5th largest bank in Albania by total assets. In 2023 its total assets were 181.37 bln ALL, representing a 9.21% market share. In 2023 the bank's net income was 3,337.33 mln ALL. As of 2023, the bank employed 748 people.

Deposit Guarantee

Protected Amount
up to 2,500,000 ALL
Guarantee Fund
Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency (ADIA)
Covered Accounts
deposit accounts
Eligible Depositors
natural persons

OTP Bank Albania S.A protects deposits up to up to 2,500,000 ALL per depositor through Albania's deposit guarantee scheme. The scheme applies to deposit accounts made by natural persons. The bank participates in the Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency (ADIA), making regular contributions into it.

See Also

Member of Group

 OTP Bank (Hungary)

OTP Bank Albania S.A is a member of OTP Bank (Hungary).


addressBoulevard "Dëshmorët e Kombit", Twin Towers, Buildings 1, 9 floor, Tirana, Albania
phone2280 442
fax2280 441

OTP Bank Albania S.A is headquartered in Tirana.

See Also

Bank Identifiers

Company Number

Business Summary

retail banking
private banking
business banking
corporate banking
current accounts
debit cards
credit cards
savings accounts
time deposit accounts
consumer loans
mortgage loans
construction loans
Account Currencies
Card Providers

OTP Bank Albania S.A provides products and services in the areas of retail banking, private banking, business banking, corporate banking. OTP Bank Albania S.A offers a range of products including current accounts, debit cards, credit cards, savings accounts, time deposit accounts, consumer loans, mortgage loans, construction loans.

Balance Sheet

Total Assets (2023)
181.37 bln ALL   (+2.68%)
Total Equity (2023)
21,986.70 mln ALL   (+28.58%)

In 2023 total assets of OTP Bank Albania S.A were 181.37 bln ALL. Growth compared to the previous period (2022) was 2.68%. The evolution of the total assets of OTP Bank Albania S.A is shown at Chart 1 below.

Total Assets of OTP Bank Albania S.A.

Chart 1. Total Assets of OTP Bank Albania S.A.

Recent changes in total assets of OTP Bank Albania S.A and its main components are shown in Table 1.

2022 2023 change (%)
Loans 101.2 95.0 -6.13%
Total Assets 176.6 181.4 +2.68%

Table 1. Recent changes in total assets of OTP Bank Albania S.A (bln ALL).

Recent changes in total liabilities of OTP Bank Albania S.A and its main components are shown in Table 2.

2022 2023 change (%)
Deposits 147.4 150.7 +2.25%
Total Liabilities 176.6 181.4 +2.68%

Table 2. Recent changes in total liabilities of OTP Bank Albania S.A (bln ALL).

Income Statement

Net Income (2023)
3,337.33 mln ALL   (+5.90%)

In 2023 net income of OTP Bank Albania S.A was 3,337.33 mln ALL. Growth compared to the previous period (2022) was 5.90%. The evolution of the net income of OTP Bank Albania S.A is shown at Chart 2 below.

Net Income of OTP Bank Albania S.A.

Chart 2. Net Income of OTP Bank Albania S.A.

Number of Employees

Number of Employees (2023)
748   (-8.67%)

In 2023 there were 748 employees of OTP Bank Albania S.A. Decline compared to the previous period (2022) was -8.67%. The evolution of the number of employees of OTP Bank Albania S.A is shown at Chart 3 below.

Number of Employees of OTP Bank Albania S.A.

Chart 3. Number of Employees of OTP Bank Albania S.A.

Domestic Presence

ATMs (2023)
188   (-11.74%)
Branches (2023)
50   (-18.03%)

In 2023 OTP Bank Albania S.A had 188 ATMs in Albania. Decline compared to the previous period (2022) was -11.74%.

In 2023 OTP Bank Albania S.A had 50 branches in Albania. Decline compared to the previous period (2022) was -18.03%.

Market Share and Rank (among banks in Albania)

Total Assets (2023)
5th (market share 9.21%)
Loans (2023)
4th (market share 13.22%)
Deposits (2023)
5th (market share 9.15%)

In 2023 OTP Bank Albania S.A was ranked the 5th largest bank in Albaniain terms of total assets, having 9.21% of the domestic market share. OTP Bank Albania S.A also became # 4 in terms of loans (market share - 13.22%), # 5 in terms of deposits (market share - 9.15%).

Market share of OTP Bank Albania S.A (among banks in Albania)

Chart 4. Market share of OTP Bank Albania S.A (among banks in Albania)

Historical changes in OTP Bank Albania S.A's domestic rank and market share over 2019-2023 are shown below:

YearRankMarket %
202359.21 %
202259.46 %
202156.44 %
202056.06 %
201956.10 %

TheBanks.eu identified several banks banks having the market shares and ranks closest to OTP Bank Albania S.A listed below.

RankNameMarket %Total Assets
4 Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania S.A.10.22%201.33 bln ALL   (+4.43%)
5 OTP Bank Albania S.A9.21%181.37 bln ALL   (+2.68%)
6 American Bank of Investments S.A.6.65%130.94 bln ALL   (+12.62%)

Identifiers of OTP Bank Albania S.A

Discover key identifiers of OTP Bank Albania S.A including its company number.

Company Registration Number

Company Registration Number: K41424801U

OTP Bank Albania S.A is registered in Albania under company number K41424801U. In Albania,Company Registration Number (Unique Identification Number - NUIS) is assigned automatically when registering a company in the National Business Center (QKB - Qendra Kombetare e Biznesit). NUISes can be used to get information about the company from the National Business Center.

Company Number K41424801U

Banks Similar to OTP Bank Albania S.A

TheBanks.eu identified several banks similar to OTP Bank Albania S.A based on various criteria, including:

  • country of incorporation
  • bank category
  • business focus
  • total assets (market share)

Bank Category
Commercial banks
Business Focus
universal banking
Total Assets
301.67 bln ALL   (+7.14%)

Bank Category
Commercial banks
Business Focus
universal banking
Total Assets
201.33 bln ALL   (+4.43%)

Bank Category
Commercial banks
Business Focus
universal banking
Total Assets
130.94 bln ALL   (+12.62%)

Bank Category
Commercial banks
Business Focus
universal banking
Total Assets
130.30 bln ALL   (+13.60%)

Bank Category
Commercial banks
Business Focus
retail and business banking
Total Assets
98,890.96 mln ALL   (+7.66%)

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