Current Accounts

Compare Bank Current Accounts in the Netherlands

Updated on 5 October 2024

9 offers from 7 banks
Interest Rates: 0.00 - 2.00 % p.a.
Overdraft Rates: 0.00 - 15.00 % p.a.
Annual Costs: 0.00 - 60.00 EUR
Sales Reqion
Customers Rating
Interest Rate
0.00 %
Overdraft Rate
12.90 %
Costs (p.a.)
20.40 EUR
Annual fees 20.40 EUR; overdraft rate 12.90 %; free debit card; credit card fee 16.20 EUR
Current Account Details
Product Name
Account Currency
Annual Costs
20.40 EUR
Interest Rate (p.a.)
0.00 %
Overdraft Rate (p.a.)
12.90 %
Debit Card
Debit Card Costs (p.a.)
0.00 EUR
Credit Card
Credit Card Costs (p.a.)
16.20 EUR
Online Banking
Telephone Banking
Branch Banking
Mobile Banking
Current Account Features

Free debit card available

Credit card available

Account be can accessed via online banking, phone, branch

Available to the Netherlands' residents

Current Account Provider

Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A. (commonly known as Rabobank Nederland) was established in 1898as a rural credit cooperative and is a head bank of Rabobank Group, an international financial services provider, active in the areas of banking, asset management, leasing, insurance and real estate. Rabobank Nederland provides a wide range of retail banking products and services to individuals and business customers.

Sales Reqion
Customers Rating
Interest Rate
0.00 %
Overdraft Rate
12.00 %
Costs (p.a.)
24.60 EUR
Annual fees 24.60 EUR; overdraft rate 12.00 %; free debit card
Current Account Details
Product Name
Internet betaalrekening
Account Currency
Annual Costs
24.60 EUR
Interest Rate (p.a.)
0.00 %
Overdraft Rate (p.a.)
12.00 %
Debit Card
Debit Card Costs (p.a.)
0.00 EUR
Credit Card
Online Banking
Telephone Banking
Branch Banking
Mobile Banking
Current Account Features

Free debit card available

Account be can accessed via online banking

Available to the Netherlands' residents

Current Account Provider

Established in 1980 in the Netherlands, Triodos Bank is a sustainable bank, offering a broad range of lending and investment products for sustainable sectors in several European countries. Triodos Bank finances only people and organisations who work to benefit people and environment.

Sales Reqion
Customers Rating
Interest Rate
2.00 %
Overdraft Rate
0.00 %
Costs (p.a.)
60.00 EUR
Bonus up to 65.00 EUR
Annual fees 60.00 EUR; overdraft rate 0.00 %; interest rate 2.00 %; free debit card; free credit card
Current Account Details
Product Name
Account Currency
Annual Costs
60.00 EUR
Interest Rate (p.a.)
2.00 %
Overdraft Rate (p.a.)
0.00 %
Debit Card
Debit Card Costs (p.a.)
0.00 EUR
Credit Card
Credit Card Costs (p.a.)
0.00 EUR
Online Banking
Telephone Banking
Branch Banking
Mobile Banking
Current Account Features

Free debit card available

Free credit card available

Account be can accessed via online banking

Available to the Netherlands' residents

Current Account Provider

AEGON Bank N.V. is a subsidiary of AEDON N.V., a Dutch company specializing in life insurance, pension and asset management products. AEGON Bank N.V. provides retail banking products, mainly deposit accounts and mortgage loans under a trading name 'Knab'.

Sales Reqion
Customers Rating
Interest Rate
2.00 %
Overdraft Rate
11.58 %
Costs (p.a.)
0.00 EUR
No annual fees; overdraft rate 11.58 %; interest rate 2.00 %; free debit card
Current Account Details
Product Name
Account Currency
Annual Costs
0.00 EUR
Interest Rate (p.a.)
2.00 %
Overdraft Rate (p.a.)
11.58 %
Debit Card
Debit Card Costs (p.a.)
0.00 EUR
Credit Card
Online Banking
Telephone Banking
Branch Banking
Mobile Banking
Current Account Features

No annual fees

Free debit card available

Account be can accessed via online banking

Available to the Netherlands' residents

Current Account Provider

AEGON Bank N.V. is a subsidiary of AEDON N.V., a Dutch company specializing in life insurance, pension and asset management products. AEGON Bank N.V. provides retail banking products, mainly deposit accounts and mortgage loans under a trading name 'Knab'.

Sales Reqion
Customers Rating
Interest Rate
1.25 %
Overdraft Rate
11.00 %
Costs (p.a.)
30.00 EUR
Annual fees 30.00 EUR; overdraft rate 11.00 %; interest rate 1.25 %; free debit card; credit card fee 15.75 EUR
Current Account Details
Product Name
Account Currency
Annual Costs
30.00 EUR
Interest Rate (p.a.)
1.25 %
Overdraft Rate (p.a.)
11.00 %
Debit Card
Debit Card Costs (p.a.)
0.00 EUR
Credit Card
Credit Card Costs (p.a.)
15.75 EUR
Online Banking
Telephone Banking
Branch Banking
Mobile Banking
Current Account Features

Free debit card available

Credit card available

Account be can accessed via online banking

Available to the Netherlands' residents

Current Account Provider

Established in 1817, SNS Bank was the first savings bank in the Netherlands. "SNS" stands for Samenwerkende Nederlandse Spaarbanken (eng: "Co-operating Dutch Savings banks"). The bank is focused on providing savings, mortgage and payment products to domestic companies and indiviuals.

Since 1 January 2017, SNS Bank operates as 'de Volksbank' to underline that the bank is a stable bank providing simple, useful and affordable products and taking responsibility. Also since 1 January 2017, ASN Bank, Regio Bank, SNS Bank, BGL Wonen Bank and Zwitserleven operate using the single banking license of de Volksbank.

Sales Reqion
Customers Rating
Interest Rate
0.00 %
Overdraft Rate
15.00 %
Costs (p.a.)
36.00 EUR
Annual fees 36.00 EUR; overdraft rate 15.00 %; free debit card; credit card fee 17.40 EUR
Current Account Details
Product Name
Account Currency
Annual Costs
36.00 EUR
Interest Rate (p.a.)
0.00 %
Overdraft Rate (p.a.)
15.00 %
Debit Card
Debit Card Costs (p.a.)
0.00 EUR
Credit Card
Credit Card Costs (p.a.)
17.40 EUR
Online Banking
Telephone Banking
Branch Banking
Mobile Banking
Current Account Features

Free debit card available

Credit card available

Account be can accessed via online banking, phone, branch

Available to the Netherlands' residents

Current Account Provider

ING Bank is a member of ING Group, a financial company specializing in insurance and banking. ING Bank is a universal bank offering a wide range of products and services to individuals, families, small businesses, large corporations, financial institutions, governments, public and private institutions and supranational bodies. ING Bank is a market leader in "Benelux" countries (the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg) where it currently has strong market positions in retail and commercial banking.

Sales Reqion
Customers Rating
Interest Rate
0.75 %
Overdraft Rate
10.00 %
Costs (p.a.)
15.00 EUR
Annual fees 15.00 EUR; overdraft rate 10.00 %; interest rate 0.75 %; free debit card
Current Account Details
Product Name
Account Currency
Annual Costs
15.00 EUR
Interest Rate (p.a.)
0.75 %
Overdraft Rate (p.a.)
10.00 %
Debit Card
Debit Card Costs (p.a.)
0.00 EUR
Credit Card
Online Banking
Telephone Banking
Branch Banking
Mobile Banking
Current Account Features

Free debit card available

Account be can accessed via online banking

Available to the Netherlands' residents

Current Account Provider

Established in 1960, ASN Bank N.V. is a sustainable bank offering savings, payment and investment products and services only to natural persons and legal entities who work to benefit people and environment. ASN Bank N.V. is a subsidiary of de Volksbank and operates using the banking license of de Volksbank.

Sales Reqion
Customers Rating
Interest Rate
0.00 %
Overdraft Rate
12.90 %
Costs (p.a.)
45.00 EUR
Annual fees 45.00 EUR; overdraft rate 12.90 %; free debit card; free credit card
Current Account Details
Product Name
Account Currency
Annual Costs
45.00 EUR
Interest Rate (p.a.)
0.00 %
Overdraft Rate (p.a.)
12.90 %
Debit Card
Debit Card Costs (p.a.)
0.00 EUR
Credit Card
Credit Card Costs (p.a.)
0.00 EUR
Online Banking
Telephone Banking
Branch Banking
Mobile Banking
Current Account Features

Free debit card available

Free credit card available

Account be can accessed via online banking, phone, branch

Available to the Netherlands' residents

Current Account Provider

Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A. (commonly known as Rabobank Nederland) was established in 1898as a rural credit cooperative and is a head bank of Rabobank Group, an international financial services provider, active in the areas of banking, asset management, leasing, insurance and real estate. Rabobank Nederland provides a wide range of retail banking products and services to individuals and business customers.

Sales Reqion
Customers Rating
Interest Rate
0.00 %
Overdraft Rate
14.10 %
Costs (p.a.)
37.20 EUR
Annual fees 37.20 EUR; overdraft rate 14.10 %; free debit card; free credit card
Current Account Details
Product Name
Prive Pakket
Account Currency
Annual Costs
37.20 EUR
Interest Rate (p.a.)
0.00 %
Overdraft Rate (p.a.)
14.10 %
Debit Card
Debit Card Costs (p.a.)
0.00 EUR
Credit Card
Credit Card Costs (p.a.)
0.00 EUR
Online Banking
Telephone Banking
Branch Banking
Mobile Banking
Current Account Features

Free debit card available

Free credit card available

Account be can accessed via online banking, phone, branch

Available to the Netherlands' residents

Current Account Provider

ABN AMRO Bank serves retail, private and corporate banking clients with a primary focus on the Netherlands. ABN AMRO Bank is one of the largest banks of the Netherlands and also conducts selected operations internationally. ABN AMRO Bank offers a comprehensive range of products and services via multichannel distribution including mobile applications and internet banking. In particular, MoneYou is a subsidiary of ABN AMRO Bank, specialising in online financial services (savings, mortgages and consumer loans) for retail clients and also offering savings products outside the Netherlands (Germany, Belgium and Austria). ABN AMRO Bank N.V. is the head bank of ABN AMRO Group (Netherlands).

NLNetherlands: This product is offered to the Netherlands' residents only. When clicking on the product link you will be redirected to the product page in Dutch.

Current accounts are usually non-interest bearing deposit accounts which are designated to perform day-to-day banking transactions and are often offered with a payment card (a debit card and/or a credit card). Also current accounts may include overdraft possibility.

The table above shows selected current accounts offered to retail customers by the banks in the Netherlands. The interest rates (per annum) are within the range 0.00 - 2.00 %,the overdraft rates (per annum) - 0.00 - 15.00 %, the annual costs - 0.00 - 60.00 EUR.

Deposit Guarantee. Current accounts made with credit institutions in the Netherlands are covered by deposit guarantee scheme up to 100,000 EUR per depositor.

Withholding Tax. Interest income gained on current accounts is not taxed in the Netherlandsfor both residents and non-residents.

Other Banking Products in the Netherlands

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