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Compare Countries

  • nominal GDP
  • nominal GDP per capita
  • inflation rate
  • unemployment rate
  • government bond yield

Before investing into a particular country, it's important to assess the economical situation in the country. That's is why this page provides the main macroeconomic indicators of European countries: nominal GDP, nominal GDP per capita, inflation rate, unemployment rate, government bond yield.

  • credit ratings Fitch
  • credit ratings Moody's
  • credit ratings by Scope Ratings
  • government bond yield

Credit ratings indicate the risk level of investing into the countries. Because the credit ratings are closely connected with the government bonds, the yields of the bonds are provided together with the credit ratings.

  • number of banks
  • total assets
  • newly opened banks
  • closed down banks
  • soundness of banks

Banking sectors across the countries are compared using the following parameters:

  • number of banks and consolidated banking assets are provided to estimate the size of the banking sectors;
  • number of newly opened and recently closed banks show the dynamics of the banking sectors;
  • soundness of banks shows the degree of stalibity of banking sectors.

  • average deposit rates
  • estimated inflation rate
  • maximum protected amount
  • Moody's country ceilings for deposits

Nominal deposit interest rates in different European countries are shown at this page. To roughly estimate the reliability of deposits in a particular country, the following two parameters are provided: the maximum amount covered by a deposit guarantee system in the country, and Moody's country ceilings for deposits.

  • personal income tax
  • corporate income tax
  • withholding tax

Personal income tax is levied on an individual's wages, salaries, and other types of income while corporate income tax is applied to business income. Withholding taxes are imposed at the source of income and are often applied to dividends, interest, royalties, rent and similar payments. Values Your Privacy

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