Flag of France

Economy and Banking Sector of France

Western Europe
EU Status
member since 1952

France, a founding member of the European Union located in Western Europe, is one of the modern economies in the world and the second largest economy in Europe.


EUR (Euro)
Population  (2021)
67,439,599   (+0.01%)
Nominal GDP (2021)
2,483.6 bln EUR   (+0.08%)
Credit Ratings (as of Nov 2024)

Economy of France is diversified across many sectors: nuclear power, metallurgy, electronics, telecommunications, machinery, chemicals, aircraft, automobiles; textiles, food processing; and tourism.


Personal Income Tax
0.00 - 45.00 %
Corporate Income Tax
15.00 - 26.50 %
Withholding Tax
0.00 - 30.00 %

France signed 113 double taxation agreements.
France signed the automatic information exchange agreement on 29 October 2014 and committed to start the automatic information exchange in September 2017.
France has FATCA agreement with the U.S. in effect since 14 November 2013 (Intergovernmental Agreement Model 1).

Banking Sector

Number of Banks
Consolidated Banking Assets (2023)
9,376.01 bln EUR   (+2.01%)
Deposit Guarantee
100,000 EUR

Financial services and banking play important rols in French national economy. Major French banking groups, BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole and Societe Generale are among the largest banks in the world, operating as global universal banks.

Major Banks

Flag of France

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